Keyboard Symbols Shortcuts Cheatsheet

keyboard symbols shortcuts

A computer keyboard has all the letters, numbers, and a few symbols. Here are the additional characters that require keyboard symbols shortcuts.

These special keyboard symbols include current and punctuation marks. This guide shows how to access additional symbols using keyboard symbols shortcuts.

For the names of the keyboard symbols see What are the keyboard symbols names?

Modifier keys for Windows and Mac

Windows and Mac keyboards have special keys used as modifiers. The typical modifier keys are alt or option, command, control, function, and shift.

Windows uses abbreviations, like Cmd and Ctrl for the modifier keys. Mac uses symbols for the modifier keys.

For example, to copy and paste:

  • for Windows, the shortcut to copy is Ctrl + C and paste is Ctrl + V.
  • for Mac, the shortcut to copy is ⌘ + C and paste is ⌘ + V.

The Mac’s command key or ⌘ was first introduced in 1980. There are many shortcuts with ⌘ on Mac.

For Windows, the control key or Ctrl, is the equivalent modifier as the ⌘ on Mac.

Here are the modifier keys for both Windows and Mac:

Alt or OptionAlt
Caps LockCaps LockCaps Lock
Delete, BackspaceDeleteBackspace
Escape, CancelEscEsc
Enter, ReturnEnter
Modifier keys for Mac and Windows

One popular use of the modifier keys is in Excel spreadsheets.

See the Excel Shortcuts for Windows and Mac.

Mac keyboard symbols shortcuts

This section shows the Mac keyboard symbols shortcuts sorted by modifier key: shift, option, and option + shift.

Mac keyboard symbols shortcuts using shift

The following symbols use shortcuts with the shift key.

SymbolNameMac Shortcut
!exclamation, exclamation point, bangShift + 1
@at, at sign, at symbolShift + 2
#pound, hash, numberShift + 3
$dollar sign, currencyShift + 4
%percent, parts per 100Shift + 5
^carat, hat, circumflex, exponentShift + 6
&and, ampersandShift + 7
*asteriskShift + 8
(open bracket, open parenthesisShift + 9
)left parenthesisShift + 0
~tildeShift + `
_underscoreShift + –
+plus sign, additionShift + =
{open brace, open curly bracketShift + [
}close brace, close curly bracketShift + ]
|pipe, vertical pipeShift + \
:colonShift + ;
double quote, quotation markShift + ‘
<open angle brackets, less thanShift + ,
>close angle brackets, greater thanShift + .
?question markShift + /
A-Zcapital lettersShift + a-z
Mac keyboard symbols shortcuts using shift key

Mac keyboard symbols shortcuts using option

The following symbols use shortcuts with the option key.

SymbolNameMac Shortcut
¡inverted exclamation markOption + 1
trademarkOption + 2
£British pound, pound sterlingOption + 3
¢centOption + 4
infinityOption + 5
§section, silcrowOption + 6
paragraph, pilcrowOption + 7
bulletOption + 8
ªfeminine ordinal indicatorOption + 9
ºmasculine ordinal indicatorOption + 0
en dashOption + –
not equal, inequalityOption + =
curly double quotes, smart double quotesOption + [
curly single quotes, smart single quotesOption + ]
«guillemet, angle quotesOption + \
ellipsisOption + ;
less than or equal toOption + ,
greater than or equal toOption + .
÷divisionOption + /
åa with a ring aboveOption + a
integralOption + b
çc with cedillaOption + c
partial differntialOption + d
´acute accentOption + e
ƒf with hook, Dutch florinOption + f
©copyrightOption + g
˙dot aboveOption + h
ˆcircumflex accentOption + i
upper case delta, changeOption + j
˚ring, ring aboveOption + k
¬not sign, negationOption + l
µlower case mu, mean, microOption + m
˜small tildeOption + n
øo with slashOption + o
πlower case piOption + p
œethel, ligature oeOption + q
®registered trademarkOption + r
ßsharp s, eszettOption + s
dagger, crossOption + t
¨diaeresisOption + u
square root, radicalOption + v
upper case sigma, summationOption + w
almost equal to, approximatelyOption + x
¥Japanese yen, Chinese yuanOption + y
Ωupper case omegaOption + z
Mac keyboard symbols shortcuts using option key

Mac keyboard symbols shortcuts using option + shift

The following symbols use shortcuts with the option + shift keys.

SymbolNameMac Shortcut
fraction slashOption + Shift + 1
euroOption + Shift + 2
single left angle quoteOption + Shift + 3
single right angle quoteOption + Shift + 4
small ligature fiOption + Shift + 5
small ligature flOption + Shift + 6
double dagger, double crossOption + Shift + 7
°degree signOption + Shift + 8
·middle dotOption + Shift + 9
single low quoteOption + Shift + 0
em dashOption + Shift + –
±plus or minus signOption + Shift + =
right double quoteOption + Shift + [
right single quoteOption + Shift + ]
»double right angle quoteOption + Shift + \
Úu with acuteOption + Shift + ;
Æcapital letter AEOption + Shift + ‘
¯macronOption + Shift + ,
˘breveOption + Shift + .
¿inverted question markOption + Shift + /
Åcapital a with ring aboveOption + Shift + a
Ilower case dotless iOption + Shift + b
Çcapital c with cedillaOption + Shift + c
Îcapital i with circumflexOption + Shift + d
´acute accentOption + Shift + e
Ïcapital i with diaeresisOption + Shift + f
˝double acute accentOption + Shift + g
Ócapital o with acuteOption + Shift + h
ˆcircumflex accentOption + Shift + i
Ôcapital o with circumflexOption + Shift + j
Apple symbolOption + Shift + k
Òcapital o with graveOption + Shift + l
Âcapital a with circumflexOption + Shift + m
˜small tildeOption + Shift + n
Øcapital o with strokeOption + Shift + o
upper case piOption + Shift + p
Œcapital ligature OEOption + Shift + q
per mille sign, parts per 1000Option + Shift + r
Ícapital i with acuteOption + Shift + s
ˇcaronOption + Shift + t
¨diaeresisOption + Shift + u
lozengeOption + Shift + v
double low quoteOption + Shift + w
˛ogonekOption + Shift + x
Ácapital a with acuteOption + Shift + y
¸cedillaOption + Shift + z
Mac keyboard symbols shortcuts using option + shift

Windows keyboard symbols shortcuts

This table shows special symbol names using Windows shortcuts.

SymbolNameWindows Shortcut
£British pound, pound sterlingAlt + 0163
$U.S. dollar, currencyShift + 4
¢centAlt + 0162
euroAlt + Ctrl + E
¥Japanese yen, Chinese yuanAlt + 0165
§section, silcrowAlt + 0167
paragraph, pilcrowAlt + 0182
trademarkAlt + 0153
©copyrightAlt + 0169
®registered trademarkAlt + 0174
bulletAlt + 0149
ºdegreeAlt + 0176
±plus or minusAlt + 177
not equal sign, inequalityAlt + 8800
approximatelyAlt + 247
upper case sigma, summation Alt + 931
πlower case piAlt + 960
upper case piAlt + 227
square root, radicalAlt + 251
%percent, parts per 100Shift + 5
per mille, parts per 1000Alt + 0137
÷divisionAlt + 247
less than or equal toAlt + 243
greater than or equal toAlt + 8805
dagger, crossAlt + 0134
double dagger, double crossAlt + 0135
ellipsisAlt + 0133
en dashAlt + 0150
em dashAlt + 0151
upper case delta, changeAlt + 30
Ωupper case omegaAlt + 234
µlower case mu, mean, microAlt + 230
Windows keyboard symbols shortcuts

For the names of the keyboard symbols see What are the keyboard symbols names?

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