How long will my money last?
When it comes to retirement planning, one of the most common concerns is: How long will my money last? It’s a valid question that many people have for retirement. The last thing anyone wants is to outlive their retirement savings.
In this article, we will explore this vital topic and provide insights and strategies to ensure your financial security throughout retirement.
Understanding your income in retirement
Retirement planning begins with understanding your income sources during your golden years. Here are some common sources:
- Social Security
- pensions
- 401(k) plans
- IRA accounts
Social Security
For most people, Social Security and pensions play a significant role in providing a steady stream of retirement income. Social Security provides eligible individuals with monthly payments based on their work history and contributions.
The sobering truth is the almost 40% of retirees rely solely on Social Security benefits.
Individuals can apply for Social Security monthly benefits any time between age 62 and 70. See the Social Security resource Plan for Retirement.
Pensions are employer-sponsored plans that offer retirees a predetermined amount of income for life. These income sources can serve as an essential foundation for your retirement finances.
Most companies no longer offer traditional pensions, called defined benefit plans. They instead offer defined contribution plans like 401(k) or 403(b) plans.
However, relying solely on Social Security and pensions may not be enough to sustain you throughout your entire retirement period. That’s where personal savings and employer plans are helpful.
401(k) plans
401(k) plans are employer sponsored plans that allow employees to save for retirement using pretax dollars. Many employers also contribute to employees’ 401(k) plans.
In retirement, the funds in a 401(k) plan can be withdrawn to provide living expenses. Funds from a 401(k) are taxable when withdrawn.
403(b) plans are very similar to 401(k) plans so they function in the same way. They are sponsored by nonprofits including universities, hospitals, and charities.
There are three types of IRA’s that are common for retirees.
Individual retirement accounts (IRA) allow anyone to save money in a tax advantaged account.
You can build wealth with consistent contributions to an IRA. These provide additional funds at retirement. These plans can help supplement any shortfalls in monthly income from other sources.
- traditional IRA
- rollover IRA
- Roth IRA
A traditional IRA allows individuals to invest pretax dollars into a tax deferred plan. These plans help to reduce taxes during the working career. When the money is withdrawn it is taxable as ordinary income. A traditional IRA is similar to a 401(k) because it is taxable when withdrawn.
A rollover IRA is a traditional IRA but the funds were rolled from a 401(k) or 403(b) plan. The funds are tax deferred and are taxable when withdrawn.
A Roth IRA allows individuals to deposit funds into an investment account that grow tax free. The funds invested are after tax, but all future proceeds are tax free. A Roth IRA has a big advantage over traditional IRA’s.
Key Factors Influencing How Long Your Money Will Last
You don’t want to run out of money in retirement. Financial planning plays a crucial role in understanding and managing your finances in retirement.
Understanding how long your money will last during retirement is crucial for financial security and peace of mind.
To accurately gauge how long your money will last in retirement, it is crucial to consider various factors that can impact your financial situation. Here are important factors to consider:
- life expectancy
- healthcare costs
- market volatility
- inflation
- spending habits
Life expectancy
Life expectancy plays a significant role in determining costs during retirement. It affects how many years you have in retirement and the total amount of healthcare costs.
People often use life expectancy as a starting point when calculating how long funds should last during retirement. The average life expectancy is 75+ years in the United States.
To determine how long your money will last, you can utilize retirement calculators or savings longevity calculators available online. These tools take into account the various factors mentioned above and provide you with an estimate of how long your savings may sustain you during retirement.
Longevity risk is the possibility of living longer than expected. This can further complicate financial planning. With advancements in healthcare, it’s crucial to plan for a potentially longer retirement period.
Healthcare costs
In addition to these variables, healthcare costs also need to be factored in. As we age, medical expenses tend to increase, and it’s essential to allocate funds for potential healthcare needs.
Healthcare costs typically rise as a person ages. These healthcare costs can include insurance, medicine, medical visits, hospital visits, and nursing home care. Medical insurance and long term care insurance can help reduce these costs dramatically.
Market volatility
Another critical factor is market volatility. The ups and downs of the stock market can greatly affect the value of your retirement savings.
Positive returns and growth will happen over time. But, if you experience a downturn in the market early on in your retirement, it could have a significant impact on how long your money will last.
Market downturns erode the value of investment portfolios and cause significant stress. One of the strategies to manage market volatility is to use the 4% Rule for withdrawals.
Another factor is the effect of inflation over the years in retirement. Inflation reduces the value of money over time due to rising prices for goods and services.
Inflation reduces the purchasing power of a currency. So, each dollar buys less goods than before. One of the ways to fight inflation is to have your investments continue to grow. This growth helps to reduce the impact of inflation.
Having a well-balanced portfolio is still important in retirement. The retirement may last for 20 or 30 years.
Spending habits
Another crucial aspect in understanding your income in retirement is determining how much you will need to spend during this phase of life.
Typically, retirees spend less each year than during the working years. However, things like luxury purchases and expensive vacations could increase the retirement expenses.
There are various tools available, such as retirement calculators or spending calculators that can help estimate your expenses based on your current lifestyle and anticipated changes. These tools consider factors like inflation, healthcare costs, and other potential financial obligations.
Additionally, using a safe withdrawal rate like the 4% Rule is vital to ensure that you do not deplete your funds too quickly while still enjoying a comfortable lifestyle throughout retirement.
How much you spend each year during retirement can greatly influence how long your money will last. It’s essential to create a budget that takes into account all necessary expenses, such as housing, healthcare costs, and daily living expenses.
4% Rule
What is a safe withdrawal rate? This is a key consideration for the question “how long will my money last?” This is percentage of your retirement savings that you can withdraw annually without depleting your funds too quickly.
One commonly used rule of thumb is the 4% rule. According to this guideline, you can withdraw 4% of your retirement savings in the first year and adjust that amount for inflation in subsequent years to make your money last approximately 30 years.
This rule is based on historical data and may not apply for everyone. However, it is a good starting point.
To apply the 4% rule is simple. A portfolio of $1 million would allow a beginning withdrawal of $40,000. This amount could be increased by the rate of inflation each year.
The 4% rate serves as a guideline but should be adjusted based on personal factors and financial goals. By diversifying investments and reducing expenses you can enhance the longevity of your savings and ensure a comfortable retirement lifestyle for years to come.
Using Social Security and pensions
Social Security and pensions play a crucial role in determining how long your money will last during retirement.
These sources of income can provide a stable foundation for your financial well-being, ensuring that you have a steady stream of funds to support your lifestyle.
The amount you receive from Social Security depends on factors such as your earnings history, your age when you start claiming benefits, and if you continue working while receiving benefits.
It’s important that Social Security should not be relied upon as your sole source of income in retirement. It should be one part of a comprehensive retirement plan.
Pensions are typically based on factors such as years of service and salary history. Pensions are specific to those who have participated in employer-sponsored plans.
Social Security and pension benefits can help to reduce longevity risk – the risk of outliving your savings. These income sources can supplement your retirement savings and increase the longevity of your money.
In addition to Social Security and pensions, it is essential to have other investments such as IRAs or 401(k)s.
By considering all these factors, you can create a solid financial plan that ensures your money lasts throughout your golden years.
How long will my money last calculator
To answer the question, “how long will my money last?” you can create a calculator in Excel.
Here is a video showing how to create a calculator in Excel:
Here is the Excel file you can download from the video:
Retirement calculators
When it comes to planning for retirement, it’s essential to have a clear idea of how long your money will last. There are various online calculators available that can help you predict the longevity of your funds.
These tools typically take into account factors such as your current savings, expected retirement age, estimated annual expenses, and anticipated rate of return on investments.
A helpful tool is the online retirement calculator.
Here is a retirement calculator from Vanguard.
Here is another retirement calculator from Mutual of Omaha: How Long Will My Money Last?
This tool allows you to input details about your income sources, monthly expenses, and other assets like IRAs or 401(k)s.
It estimates how long your savings will last based on different withdrawal rates and investment strategies.
This can be incredibly helpful in determining if you’re on track with your financial planning or if adjustments need to be made.
While these calculators provide valuable insights into the longevity of your money, it’s important to remember to be conservative because they are just estimates They rely heavily on assumptions and estimates that can change over time.
Using calculators to predict how long your money will last in retirement is an excellent starting point for financial planning.
Make your money last longer
When it comes to making your money last longer in retirement, there are several strategies you can employ to ensure a smooth financial journey.
- know your income and expenses
- use the 4% withdrawal rate
- diversify your portfolio
- reduce expenses
- plan using online financial calculators
First and foremost, it’s crucial to know your retirement income and expenses. Knowing the amount of money you’ll be receiving from sources such as Social Security, pensions, and retirement savings is key in determining how much you can afford to spend each month.
Second, carefully manage your withdrawal rate. What percentage of your retirement savings do you withdraw each year?
Keep this rate at around 4% and you’ll have a higher chance of preserving your nest egg for longer.
Third, diversify your investments. Putting all your eggs in one basket is never wise, especially when it comes to investing. Market volatility can greatly impact the value of certain assets at any given time.
By spreading out your investments across different asset classes such as stocks and bonds, you can mitigate risk and potentially increase returns over time.
Fixed income investments like bonds or annuities can provide a stable source of income during volatile market periods.
Fourth, reduce your expenses. Reducing expenses plays a significant role in stretching out the lifespan of your money in retirement.
Take the time to evaluate your monthly expenditures and identify areas where cuts can be made without sacrificing quality of life.
Small changes such as dining out less frequently or finding more cost-effective ways to enjoy hobbies can add up over time and contribute towards prolonging the longevity of your savings.
Fifth, use retirement calculators which can provide detailed projections about how long your money may last based on various scenarios.
These tools take into account factors like life expectancy, withdrawal rates, investment returns, inflation rates, and other variables specific to your situation.
These can give a reality check and a clearer picture of what lies ahead financially during retirement.
With these strategies and careful planning, the question “How long will my money last?” will have a positive answer.
Planning for how long your money will last in retirement is a crucial aspect of financial planning. It requires a deep understanding of your income sources, expenses, and the various factors that can impact your savings longevity.
By considering these factors and implementing strategies to make your money last longer, you can navigate the challenges posed by healthcare costs, market volatility, inflation, and other potential obstacles.

Jeff Mankin teaches financial literacy and Excel. He is the founder of Finally Learn.