Microsoft Excel is the most important business app used by 750 million professionals worldwide. Here are the top 5 YouTube channels to learn Excel for free.
Use these resources and you will learn Excel quickly!
Excel skill is a requirement in most business positions, especially in finance and data analytics. Excel is the best entry to data analytics.
Excel is the most important app for financial and data decisions.
Excel Jet YouTube channel
Dave Bruns at Excel Jet runs this great website with comprehensive guides for formulas, keyboard shortcuts, and functions.
I love the keyboard shortcuts in the video below. I had to watch it several times and take notes! This site also is very helpful for Mac users as well as Windows users.
Check out the page 222 shortcuts for Windows and Mac.
Mr Excel YouTube channel
Bill Jelen from Mr Excel has been on Youtube for over 10 years and has thousands of great videos. He is an excellent teacher.
This is a great resource with so many good teaching videos.
Excel is Fun YouTube channel
Mike Girvin from Excel is Fun has thousands of Excel videos on Youtube. He has over 150 million views. Wow!
It is a great resource for financial and statistical help. I have learned so many things from this channel.
Leila Gharani YouTube channel
Leila Gharani has an amazing YouTube channel. She is great especially for finance and data visualization. She is very helpful on creating amazing charts.
Her video on Special Graphs is fantastic, see below. Visit her site at
Finally Learn YouTube channel
This is our Finally Learn YouTube channel. We have many Excel videos and videos on financial topics.
These are my favorite 5 YouTube channels where I learn Excel. I recommend them to you and I hope they are very helpful.

Jeff Mankin teaches financial literacy and Excel. He is the founder of Finally Learn.